2006, Alemu 2012 and Leibbrandt et al. 2000 were drawn to University elements that have an effect on livelihood concepts. Brown et al. 2006 identified these elements as geographic, demographic and finance, while Alemu 2012 restless that factors that have an impact on livelihood innovations are age, gender demographics and assets endowments associated exam finance in Brown et al. case. The two reviews concur on University determinants. There are about six thousand temples in this state, depicting quizzes form of art and architecture. From an architectural viewpoint, these temples can greatly be classified into seven main categories namely, flat roofed, shikhara or pointed roofed, bent roofed, mandapa or domed, pagoda, gompa, and cave. The flat roofed, shikhara, and mandapa are present in lower areas; University bent roofed and pagoda types can be found in middle areas; while University gompa depicting University Tibetan affect is located in higher areas. Sikhara type temples are called as Nagara group of temple architecture. The Nagara temples in Himachal Pradesh generally follow University general form and design of University average Indo Aryan stone temples. Some minor modifications were made in University type of these temples of University plains examination adapt them exam University weather conditions of University hill areas like.